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The Arts - Beauty & Creativity

"But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we are all the work of Your hand." Isaiah 64:8


Faith Lutheran Visual Arts

Each student at Faith Lutheran School (K-8) has an art class each week. Drawing, painting, and 3-D sculpting in multiple medias are used to teach techniques as well as reflection on art history and the great artists of the past.

Students in Middle School (5-8) have the opportunity to take an art elective class where they focus on projects they choose with their teacher to further their ability and creativity.


Faith Lutheran Musical Arts

Each student at Faith Lutheran School (PK-8) has a music class each week. Students begin as early as PK3 with basic instruments to learn rhythm and melody.

Students in music class will learn to read music, sing, and play instruments such as the recorder and ukelele, as well as music history & theory.

Middle School Students (5-8) have the opportunity to take music electives as they are offered which include band, choir, and handbells.


At Faith Lutheran School we believe God has blessed us all with talents and abilities beyond the classroom as He has given us the arts to beautify His created world that He placed us in.
Furthermore, we know that musical and visual arts are important in brain development for both academic growth and giving each student a voice through creative expression.

Faith Lutheran Music Performances

​Faith Lutheran Students perform multiple times a year to bless others with their musical offerings as an extension of the classroom.

Students will perform in chapel, Christmas programs, concerts, at Faith Lutheran Church services, and other opportunities as our goal is not just to learn, but to bless others by sharing the love of Christ through music.​​​

Faith Lutheran After School Music

Faith Lutheran Church offers free music opportunities to students with Mr. Neas.​


Student Strings (Violin & Cello)

Tuesdays 3:10 - 4:15 pm

Children's Choir

Wednesdays 2:00 - 3:15 pm​

Faith Lutheran Art Show

​Each year Faith Lutheran School displays our student's God given talents and abilities at our annual Art Show. Usually the first weekend in May, be on the lookout as this is a parent and community favorite.


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